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Bible & A Buck

Bible and a Buck 



2019 Projects

Help share the message of Jesus with people all around the world. Even if you never step foot out of your own country, you will be given the opportunity to have a tremendous impact on the lives of others at the Chosen International Pathfinder Camporee through our 2019 Bible and a Buck Collection. Our goal for the 2019 Camporee is to collect 50,000 Bibles for distribution along with the much needed US dollar donations to help make it happen. Start collecting for Oshkosh today!

Bring an English or Spanish Bible to be collected before any Main Stage nighttime program. Along with your Bible, bring 1 US dollar bill, in an envelope, but don't place it inside your Bible. Dollar bills will be collected separately. This money will help with distribution of these Bibles to countries with little or no access to the Bible. In 2014, we collected over 32,000 Bibles and $18,000 for distribution.

Bible and a Buck Video - Show this at your local church and start collecting today!

Bibles may be dropped off every night at the Southeast Gate entrances at the Main Stage. Look for the Bible collection banners.

History of Bible and a Buck

The "Bible and a Buck" Sabbath morning offering tradition began in 2004 at the Joseph, Faith on Fire International Camporee. The creative & innovative nighttime program director Rob Lang presented the idea to FOF Camporee leadership that, just like the ancient Egyptian's brought grain into the store house to feed their people during a famine; the Pathfinders should being to the International Camporee a "Bible and a Buck" ($1.00US is for shipping, storage, offering report & Pathfinders used for Bible distribution) to feed those around the world who do not have Bibles to feed their souls. 

This Bible and a Buck offering appeal has continued over the years with the support of the International Camporee Executive Advisory Committee at the following International Camporees:
2004, Joseph, Faith on Fire
2009, Esther, Courage to Stand
2014, Daniel, Forever Faithful

At the 2014, Daniel, Forever Faithful Camporee, the Sabbath morning offering was split 50/50 between the Bible and a Buck project and the Adventist World Aviation (AWA), 1999 Discover the Power, Pathfinder Plane Rebuild Project. 

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