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Prayer was so important to David.  He spent much time in prayer talking to God about his fears, challenges, mistakes, and for God's guidance.

At the Chosen Camporee, we want prayer to be a cornerstone for all that happens here.  Friendships nurtured, growth opportunities encountered, knowledge acquired, requests on our hearts, and spiritual decisions made will only be enhanced if they are bathed in prayer.

To help make prayer a focal point for our Camporee, here are some of the opportunities that will be available to our Pathfinders.


Prayer Tent Hours:

Tuesday, 12-5:00pm

Wednesday-Friday, 9-5:00pm

Sabbath, 1-5:00pm

David's Palaces of Prayer & Praise

What Pathfinders Can Experience

Pathfinder Club Leaders and Special Pathfinder Anointing Service

Pre-Registration for the two prayer and anointing tents is now open!

Fill out the registration form on the Forms page. Click on Prayer Tent Anointing Registration Form

View a list of Prayer & Anointing Team members


International Prayer Time Each Evening

Our desire is for prayer to be a spiritual priority in all our lives.  Let’s pray together, as never before, for God to move on hearts of His people.

Contact the Prayer Tent Coordinator for more information.

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